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Better Zombie AI
Better Zombie AI, they follow you now :) They can't go upstairs at the moment, but I think that's a good thing lol...
1 file
Controller Support
I've added controller support and vibrations when your shooting (in the video I'm using square to shoot because my controller had a broken trigger, keep in mind...
New Health System and Stamina for Sprinting
Here is the new health system!...
gun go PEWPEW
Secret Door Prototype
Here is the first prototype for a sliding door that opens when you kill a specific Zombie...
Working on the first enemy
I am working on the first enemy for PEWPEW a zombie...
gun go PEWPEW
New World Type
When PEWPEW releases it will be a Story Mode type platformer where you kill enemies jump over obstacles etc. In this gif, we can see the first stage of "The Lab...
New Aiming Mechanics
Gun now shoots towards the cursor instead of to the left or right...
Post Processing and Name Tags
Added post-processing and a name tag, plus wall jumping :)...

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